a factory fuelled participatory performance

From the hands and hearts of female workers, weaving threads from North to South.
machine women is the current artistic project led by Luan Taylor,
inspired by the experiences of female machinists and factory workers in the UK.
A lament to the disappearance of UK manufacturing industries, it is also a celebration of the women who dedicated their lives to Britain’s industrial growth.
Female labourers have been a hidden yet strong source of the UK’s Industrial growth and the nation’s wellbeing. Machine Women examines the working conditions and physical reality of factory life, the links between rhythm and labour and the sign language (Mee-Maw) used by workers. The work also recognizes the transience of industry, and what happens to the collective identity of a community when the Industry moves away.
Machine Women is a modular project, and work is created in response to your site, festival, heritage event. From a series of workshops with local women in your town, to a film and sound installation, to a site responsive multiform performance including local clog dancers/choir.
Please contact Luan for more details.